Real Property Management Washington DC

Ways to Stay Warm this Winter

If the weather starts to go cold, the typical thing to do is to turn the thermostat up. You don’t always need to resort to super-heating, though, to keep your house warm during winter. Try these simple steps to keep you and your Shepherd Park home warm and cozy throughout the coldest season of the year.

Dress in Layers

To fight off the cold, you have to learn how to use layers of clothing correctly. When your daily life consists of moving indoors to outdoors and back, this will help a lot. To keep yourself warm but not overheated while indoors, start with a light layer of wicking fabric first. Then, add layers until you are warm and comfortable. A few things you can consider for your top are shirts, sweaters, jackets, and coats; flannel-lined pants are great for bottoms! And don’t forget a hat, scarf, and socks! These can keep your head, neck, and feet warm, leading to the rest of your body feeling warmer and more comfortable.

Winterize Your Home

Chilly blasts of air inside your house? It’s time to check and seal those common areas where drafts and air leaks are likely to happen. A lot of air leaks come from gaps around doors and windows. Try adding some caulking around the frame or replace the weather-stripping around the door frame. Using these will really do the trick. If a draft finds its way in beneath your doors, try using a rolled towel or blanket to block it. Thermal curtains, soft rugs, and other fabrics can also help alleviate cold spots and keep your home warmer.

Furnace Maintenance

If it’s been a while since your furnace had a check-up, you should definitely schedule a professional to drop by and look at it. Regular maintenance is something that, much like the rest of your house, your furnace needs in order to stay in top shape. As time goes, your heating system will show signs of age — it won’t be as consistent in keeping a temperature as it used to. One way you can avoid early wear and tear is through regular furnace maintenance by changing filters. This will keep your energy costs down, as well as keep your system running efficiently.

Use a Humidifier

If your area’s winter months are mostly cold and dry, buying a humidifier for your home can help you stay warm while inside. Dry air tends to feel much colder than air with humidity. Cold, dry air also tends to leave your skin and hair feeling rough and dehydrated. By using a humidifier, you can keep the moisture in the air inside your home. You can opt to get smaller units rather than a whole-house humidifier. Simply getting a cheaper humidifier for frequently used rooms or even boiling a pot of water on the stove can help make the air in your home feel warmer and more comfortable.

Stay Active

When you move around, you are warming your body up. The first thing we think of during the cold is to stay in and underneath multiple layers of blankets. But, that isn’t going to help keep your body warm. When you keep your body active, you’re essentially keeping yourself warmer by increasing your body temperature. By exercising, you’re keeping yourself warm and healthy. Exercising will help your body build muscle and improve its blood flow. But even activities like cleaning, playing an interactive game, or other types of movement can do the trick. Incorporating an active lifestyle into your daily routine will surely keep you warm throughout the cold of winter.


Are you looking for a new rental home to stay warm this winter? Real Property Management Washington DC can help! Check out our rental home listings and find the cozy new home you’ve been longing for this year.